Thursday, 23 September 2010

Tea Party with Cable Guy

I haven't posted here for a while, largely because the world is getting too weird for rational commentary and I've been hiding out in the Appenines trying to pretend it doesn't exist. The Republican Party appears to have been taken over by ex-hippy, proto-fascist witches but no-one knows whether that will help or hinder it in the coming mid-term elections - that depends on what proportion of the Great American Public are proto-fascist ex-hippies.

In the UK it appears that there are only two people left standing with the cojones to say bad things about the business culture of the City and predatory finance capital - and one of them is Governor of the Bank of England! If either he or Vince Cable should fall under a bus over the next few weeks, a Kennedy-strength investigation and cover-up will be required....

Actually there are three people currently talking sense - David Marquand's article in the latest issue of Renewal is a very lucid account of where we're stuck. And for a glimpse of the absurd, Anthony Barnett's amusing piece about the Coalition's grooming habits is worth a read at Open Democracy

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The world appears too crazy at the moment to step back far enough (or for long enough) and say anything joined-up -- so I'll fudge it by...